ARI Matrix

ARIs(clusMat, unclustered = NULL)



The clustering matrix with a row per cell and a column per clustering label type


The value assigned to unclustered cells. Default to NULL


The ARI matrix


In the ARI matrix where each cell i,j is the adjusted Rand Index between columns i and j of the original clusMat. If unclustered is not NULL, the cells which have been assigned to the unclustered cluster will not be counted towards computing the ARI.


data("clusMat", package = "Dune") ARIs(clusMat)
#> A B C D E #> A 1.0000000 0.9564420 0.9614328 0.9725209 0.9651504 #> B 0.9564420 1.0000000 0.9550076 0.9269391 0.9190137 #> C 0.9614328 0.9550076 1.0000000 0.9321673 0.9243070 #> D 0.9725209 0.9269391 0.9321673 1.0000000 0.9360608 #> E 0.9651504 0.9190137 0.9243070 0.9360608 1.0000000