Find the conversion between the old cluster and the final clusters

clusterConversion(merger, p = 1, n_steps = NULL)



the result from having run Dune on the dataset


A value between 0 and 1. We stop when the mean ARI has improved by p of the final total improvement. Default to 1 (i.e running the full merging).


Alternatively, you can specifiy the number of merging steps to do before stopping.


A list containing a matrix per clustering method, with a column for the old labels and a column for the new labels.


data("clusMat", package = "Dune") merger <- Dune(clusMat = clusMat) clusterConversion(merger)[[2]]
#> old new #> 1 7 7 #> 2 3 3 #> 3 11 11 #> 4 2 2 #> 5 10 10 #> 6 6 6 #> 7 9 9 #> 8 4 4 #> 9 1 1 #> 10 5 5 #> 11 12 11