Compute a imbalance score to show whether nearby cells have the same condition of not

imbalance_score(Object, ...)

# S4 method for matrix
imbalance_score(Object, conditions, k = 10, smooth = 10)

# S4 method for SingleCellExperiment
imbalance_score(Object, dimred = 1, conditions, k = 10, smooth = 10)



A SingleCellExperiment object or a matrix representing the reduced dimension matrix of the cells.


parameters including:


Either the vector of conditions, or a character indicating which column of the metadata contains this vector


The number of neighbors to consider when computing the score. Default to 10.


The smoothing parameter. Default to k. Lower values mean that we smooth more.


A string or integer scalar indicating the reduced dimension result in reducedDims(sce) to plot. Default to 1.


Either a list with the scaled_scores and the scores for each cell, if input is a matrix, or the SingleCellExperiment object, wit this list in the colData.


data("toy_dataset") scores <- imbalance_score(as.matrix(toy_dataset$sd[,1:2]), toy_dataset$sd$conditions, k = 4) cols <- as.numeric(cut(scores$scaled_scores, 8)) plot(as.matrix(toy_dataset$sd[, 1:2]), xlab = "Dim1", ylab = "Dim2", pch = 16, col = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Blues")[cols])